Sweeten the Deal for Your Bees!

Sweeten the Deal for Your Bees!

Hey Bee Buddies! ✨ Ever wondered how to treat your bees to a feast that keeps them buzzing with joy? Let’s talk about a sweet solution—Pollen Patties with a twist!

Bee Starvation SOS

In some bee paradises like mine, where the land offers more sagebrush than sweet clover, our busy bees face a nutritional challenge. Alfalfa, our go-to nectar source, doesn’t pack enough punch to keep our colonies thriving. That’s where we step in!

The Pollen Patty Perk

feeding pollen substitute

-Busy bees chowing down on pollen patties.

Pollen substitutes are like superfoods for our fuzzy friends! They make a real difference in keeping colonies healthy, especially when our bee buddies need an extra boost for winter.

But here’s the sweet twist! Adding a dash of vitamin C to the pollen patty turns it into a bee magnet!

What’s the Buzz?

bees eating pollen substitute

-Bees swarming in for a taste.

With this vitamin-infused patty, your bees will indulge:

  • Anytime during active brood rearing
  • During pollen flows, with or without natural pollen
  • Even when natural pollen is scarce, ensuring continued brood rearing

Beekeeper’s Secret Sauce

For a five-gallon batch, sprinkle in two tablespoons of vitamin C crystals. A smaller five-cup batch? Less than half a teaspoon will do the trick. You don’t need much, but trust me, the more, the merrier for your buzzing buddies!

Bee Dining Etiquette

feeding pollen substitute

-Bees getting up close and personal with the patty.

Bees adore a moist patty, so mix it to a cake batter consistency and let it sit overnight. Dissolve the vitamin C in slightly warm water for better distribution in the mix.

Placement is Key! Put the patty directly above the broodnest for a bee-approved dining experience.

Bee Harmony over Bee Hustle

As a beekeeper, I’ve learned to dance with the bees, not against them. Co-operating rather than pushing has made beekeeping a breeze. With clean, natural comb, no mite treatments are needed, and our buzzing buddies thrive. No pushing, no need to feed them pollen supplements.

So, let’s sweeten the deal and make our bee colonies sing with joy! ✨

-Buzzingly yours, D 🐝🤠