Year 4 February - Bad Bee Book 🖊️

Year 4 February - Bad Bee Book 🖊️

The Bees

Hey there! With the days getting longer, it’s like Mother Nature’s whispering promises of spring.

Inside those hives, the bees are on a mission. They’re catching wind of the lengthening day, gearing up to rear a tiny patch of brood.

Picture this—about the size of a silver dollar. Now, that might seem small, but it’s a hefty investment of energy and resources. They’re cranking up the temperature to a cozy 93 degrees, flapping their flight muscles. Humidity levels are on point, and the little ones are fed from the bee buffet until they’re ready to forage elsewhere in the hive.

The Beekeeper

Guess what’s on my agenda? It’s time to dive into the fascinating world of bees through a good read. I’ve got my hands on Ron Miksha’s [Bad Beekeeping]( Miksha/dp/1412006279?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1225587988&sr=8-1) book, ordered from Amazon before Christmas. Fingers crossed there are more copies available now.

Ron and I share a similar vintage. Our life journeys have taken surprisingly parallel routes.

His book? It’s a captivating tale of a guy fueled by dreams, ambition, and a deep love for beekeeping. An adventure unfolds—meeting intriguing characters, journeying to the far north, finding love, facing triumphs and failures—all while gaining a unique perspective on life.

My journey might have unfolded in different locations, starting my beekeeping venture in Lingle, Wyoming, and eventually diving into bees and geology in Casper, Wyoming. My version of the far north? Delta Junction, Alaska.

Ron’s storytelling brings back a flood of memories—joy, laughter, tears. Delta Junction, where I met my Jamaican bride, was a time of boundless hope and energy. A grand adventure, indeed! Ron’s book had me hooked, though occasionally the sun, emotions, and memories overwhelmed me.

Do you ever wonder—do bees dream? Maybe they reminisce about flights, flowers, and fragrances during the long winter. Perhaps their eyes get a bit heavy pondering the endless possibilities. Do they sport a little smile when reminiscing about the past?

So, where has life’s journey taken you? I bet the experiences of a young commercial beekeeper discovering life’s possibilities will resonate. And you know what they say—nothing beats the charm of a good old paper-based book.

P.S.: Ron also runs an award-winning Bad Beekeeping Blog, if you’re into more bee tales!

-Cheers, D 🍂🐝